Sunday, November 21, 2010

Can anyone spare a million or two?

Read this article from the L.A. TimesClick here to find out more!

Americans for the Arts names top 10 companies that support the arts

 Do you think that any of these companies would support your newly developed (faux) arts organization, and if so, how would you approach the company/companies specifically?  Are there any companies that you think might latch on to your organization's mission more than others and why?

And PS: Have a great Thanksgiving break!  Gobble gobble! -Anna


  1. As for who we could ask, I learned in my public communication writing class that corporations who have suffered some sort of open setback will look to promote their good deeds as part of their public relations damage control campaign, including plugging their charitable donations. Any mega-companies who have had a rough year publicly (but not financially!) that we could ask for a sponsorship? They get to tout their charitable contribution and we get financial support. Win-win.

    You have to be careful about who you ask, though. Companies like BP and Rolls Royce are still way too controversial right now and a sponsorship from them might alienate our audience. A company with a less contentious predicament would be ideal. E.g., Alaska Airlines just put out a small fire caused by a young couple that started a blog called “Alaska Airlines Hates Families” after a bad consumer relations experience. Wouldn’t you know, the media picked it up. While not a major snafu, it’s fresh in people’s minds and Alaska Airlines is still being associated with poor customer service. A charitable gesture toward a family organization might be their best bet for restoring their reputation sooner rather than waiting it out.

    Can anyone think of any corporations facing minor PR trouble that could save face by supporting our mission? Perhaps it’s kind of sneaky, but I’m just trying to get creative.

  2. It's interesting that a lot of the companies listed are energy utility companies. While it doesn't directly relate to our organization, if we got the local electricity supplier (Pepco?) to sponsor us, we can have a joint marketing campaign.. "Powered by Pepco"

  3. At this point, I don't think our virtual arts organization is ready to appeal to these top companies. We have a lot of collaborating that still needs to be done before we can go out with strong front. I'm afraid that conflicting informaiton may be shared with a donor because of the lack of meetings between departments and the board. I fear that a corporate donor who jumps on board while we are in the infancy stage may attempt to run our organization with its agenda, pushing aside our community-centered mission. We are too young I think.
