Thursday, December 2, 2010

Smithsonian & "The Hill". . .another Culture War brewing?

At this point, I think most of you are aware of the situation that is happening/happened with the removal of a so-called "offensive" video from the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery.   This is from a few days ago, but read this article to see how this firestorm was sparked.

Quotes to think about when discussing this issue:
  • Boehner spokesman Kevin Smith said, "Smithsonian officials should either acknowledge the mistake and correct it, or be prepared to face tough scrutiny beginning in January when the new majority in the House moves [in]." 
  • "When a museum receives taxpayer money, the taxpayers have a right to expect that the museum will uphold common standards of decency," said Cantor. "The museum should pull the exhibit and be prepared for serious questions come budget time.”
  • In response, a spokeswoman for the Smithsonian noted that federal funding is not used to pay for exhibits, only infrastructure, curating of works, and staff.  The exhibit itself was funded by a group of donors and foundations.
*Note that the last quote shows that many people, and most obviously (very conservative) Congressmen Cantor and Boehner do NOT understand how taxpayer money flows to the museum, and the arts in general.  I should also note that this video has already been taken down, with a mediocre and apologetic response to the public by the Smithsonian.

Also, read some of the responses below the article.  I, for one, like this one:
"Now what was it exactly that the Tea Party was yelling about? Oh, I remember, the loss of our freedoms."